Interview Le Petit Voyeur
We interviewed the founder and creative force behind the magazine Le Petit Voyeur Kristian Rosén. Why did you start Le Petit Voyeur? I’ve always been passionate about art, design and photography. After spending the last 12 years building my design business and working with some great clients, I reached a point where I wanted to combine my daily work with my passions. I have been a magazine-o-holic since my early teens when I produced and bought graffiti magazines. My creative interests are diverse. Le Petit Voyeur reflects that by showing work from across genres - it’s not just a magazine about photography, art or naked women. I think a photographer can be just as inspired by a cool street art piece as an image. How would you describe Le Petit Voyeur in one sentence? My creative playground. Best advice you ever got? To be loyal and always do what you believe in, even though that means that you are going to work your ass off and make sacrifices. This mindset has helped me achieve a lot and made me who I am today. Top 5 songs at the moment? Besides my daily dose of hip hop and endless Soundcloud DJ mixes, I tend to listen to tracks that either give me a boost of energy while working, take me back to a good party, or - at the moment - give me a warm summer feeling in this FREEZING cold. Here are a few: Pional - The Shy. Jamiroquai - Too young to die (Felkon remix). James Welsh - Craven. Darkside - Paper Trails (BBC mix), The XX - Basic Space (Jamie XX Space Bass mix) Have a closer look at the magazine here