Asmund Havsteen Mikkelsen
We interviewed artist, Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen, about his latest t-shirt project "Denmark“, his inspiration for it and his current exhibition. How would you describe the artwork for this t-shirt in one sentence? Inverting a geo-power-structure between Denmark and Greenland, making the smaller nation the conquerer! What inspired you while creating this piece? A map of greenland, a Greenlandic social-worker who taught me dirty words from Greenland and the need to poke fun at Denmark warring in Aghanistan at that moment (2004). Where can we see your work? My new solo-show is at Gallery Kant: The Infinity Complex, St. Kongensgade 3. I am showing paintings dealing with the architectural construction of infinity. Top 5 songs at the moment? I have been listening to a record by Peter Sommer - Destructive Vokaler - for the last 3 years every day in the studio. There is a special way in which he describes the situation of being in your mid-thirties – the attempts and struggles to fulfill your dreams in life. The t-shirt is exclusively available in-store