Azumi and David's "Layered Look" for Spring/Summer 2018 aims to dissect traditional gender image stereotypes and splice them black together referencing the current interest in the blurring boundaries of gender fluidity and politics of diversity, collaging and layering segmented found imagery of masculine and feminine bodies, clothing and accessories and projecting them onto wearable "poster" dresses, scarves, accessories and shopping bags, together with deconstructed garment segments, single sleeve neck shawls and belts, vintage scarf and bandanna wrapped and ties baseball capps, "cut n' paste" jeans component waist pouches, leather bags and pouches with mismatched colours, details and shoe heel sole features. Jewellery is constructed as dual layered, geometric compositions in Perspex. Tee-shirts and sweatshirts are hand screen-printed with symbols that refer to image appropriation and intellectual property ownership rights issues, prevalent in contemporary "cut n' paste" cultural practices.